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苏州中科-泰瑞达 测试课程系列之Free Course of 'How to Test (H)DTV SOC Devices'


How to Test (H)DTV SOC Devices

近年来,(HDTV可能是电视领域最激动人心的事物,而且由于对(HDTV显示器、电视机、机顶盒、HD DVD的需求日益增大,推动了消费电子市场的一个新领域。 2010 年全球 HDTV 收视户数将超过 8,700 万,市场规模将达到 340 亿美元左右。

本次课程将在介绍HDTV的市场状况的基础上重点介绍(HDTV SOC Devices在产品开发测试阶段所遇到的挑战。适合从事或有志于从事该领域产品开发的企业和个人参加。

²       课程大纲:

1.Semiconductor market trend
       2.(H)DTV Introduction
       3.(H)DTV Market Overview
       4.(H)DTV Testing Challenge
       5.FLEX---Lowest Cost of Test and good coverage

²       讲师介绍

Mr. Shu Xia

l         Joined Teradyne in April, 1999 and worked in the department of  Multimedia/Broadband factory applications engineering for about 6 years. His job responsibilities included developing test solutions for various mixed signal devices (audio, video, baseband , A2D, D2A converters, etc), as well as supporting the high speed digital instruments for  A5/Catalyst/Tiger and FLEX ATE systems.

l         Since July 2005, he has been working for Teradyne China ADC  (Applications Development Center) as a senior technologist.

l         He holds a Master of Science in computer engineering from State University of New York, and Master of Science in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University.

l         His research interests are in the RF/wireless communications, DSP & mixed signal SoC testing, embedded control, computer architecture, and  VLSI design areas.

²        课程时间: 20061201(周五)  1400-1600

²       课程地点


²        课程费用: 本次讲座采取提前报名,免费参加的方式

²       报名方式:




²        报名联系人 先生0512-62889079  zhaoy@szicc.com.cn

²        报名表下载

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